My name is Betsy Holmes, I'm a wife, a mom, and a believer in God's goodness and love. I'm personally so thankful He made Essential Oils! My life has been forever changed by these wonderful gifts known as plant extracts. Not only has God answered my prayers for my own wellness, and helped my body heal itself, He has graciously blessed us beyond what we could have imagined by helping others find wellness and financial freedom. Many people who have partnered with us have become a community of oil users who know they are truly blessed to have access to these amazing God given oils which help us live healthier, whole lives and they have partnered with us in giving. 

Over the past several years, I've been trying to come up with ways in which we could make it possible to give these precious oils to those who could never buy them. Not just in a handout fashion, or in a way that would leave someone in the dark on how to use them, but in a way that would give them access to the life changing benefits of these natural plants through someone who knows how to use them and can mentor them. Many of us modern day oil users are learning how to help our family and friends utilize these safe and effective compliments to our health. GiveOils was born to give us all a collective opportunity to go beyond that...sharing oils with those who could never afford them but desperately need them. It's always an awesome experience to make a difference in someones life on such a practical level. It is a great and rewarding sensation to feel the heart warming gratitude of another human being who knows you gave them something that cost you something. We are an organization that focuses on people coming together to serve and support initiatives around the globe who are serving the marginalized and impoverished. 

How can your donation make an impact? By your giving, whether it be oils or monetary, you will be making a difference in so many lives. Look through the ministries, charities, and individuals on our "people" page who are incorporating Essential oils into their work and consider joining us in supporting them. So far, your generous donations have made it to over 25 different countries and projects around the world. See our Facebook page for updates and information as well as current oil needs. 

Thank you all of you for your inspiration, your love for oils, and your partnership! We can't wait to continue changing the world with you through our collective giving and serving! 

- Betsy & Paul Holmes, and the GiveOils team


Stephanie Appelfeller

GiveOils Volunteer

"It is my passion to connect people, to help others see that we are all equally important and no one should be ignored. I feel so blessed to help bring oils and awareness to voices that are not usually hear